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Thread Model at

This document describes the attributes of the Thread model used in application.

Thread Attributes

Attribute NameTypeDescription
idstringUnique identifier (ULID)
isPublicbooleanThread status (public or private)
isPinnedbooleanThread pin status
contentstringThread content
isAnonymouslybooleanThread anonymous status
isCommentsEnabledbooleanComment status for the thread
filesarray, nullFile Array of Objects associated with the thread
tagsarrayTag Array associated with the thread
userobjectUser Object associated with the thread
createdAtstring, nullThread created date
updatedAtstring, nullThread updated date

File Attributes

Attribute NameTypeDescription
idstringUnique identifier (ULID)
srcstringFile src
mimetypestringFile mimetype

Accepted MIME types: image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, video/mp4

Released under the MIT License.