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Query Filters

Use Query-Filters composer package to simplify the process of filtering and sorting queries.

Limiting Results

To limit the number of rows in your response and expedite your requests, utilize the per_page parameter:

By default, the API returns 10 items.

Example: To retrieve 15 items per page from a user's threads, use the following endpoint:



To paginate the returned data, utilize the page parameter:

Example: Retrieve data from the user's threads with page number 1:


The API provides pagination data in each resource listing, allowing you to traverse pages easily.

In the Link header, you will find first, prev, next, and last links. These links aid in navigating through different pages of the data.

    "data": [
        // ...
    "code": 200,
    "meta": {
        "pagination": {
            "total": 12,
            "count": 10,
            "per_page": 10,
            "current_page": 1,
            "total_pages": 2,
            "links": {
                "next": ""


To get the best results, you can sort it using the available fields for the selected resources:


Add _sort and _order params, By default, you'll get latest created data in ascending order:



Filters are a powerful way to narrow search results, we update this feature frequently to include more fields.

Suppose we want a list of threads whose comments are disabled


You can also use multiple filters in one query.


The above request will bring threads whose comments are disabled and include pinned threads too.

Released under the MIT License.